Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej
Strona główna Wydziału


2015-03-25 Wykład prof. Toca-Herrery (biological physics)
B. Szafran
Szanowni Państwo,

Wydział gości prof. Jose Toca-Herrerę z Uniwersytetu Zasobów Naturalnych i Nauk o Życiu z Wiednia (BOKU-Vienna). Profesor prowadzi wykład (30.03-29.05.2015 z zakresu "Biological physics”.

Zakres materiału

Molecular interactions (4 lectures): From classical thermodynamics to London interactions.
Surface interactions (1 lecture): The concept of molecule will be change by the concept of surface and interface (e.g. colloidal stability will be discussed in this section).
Life-time biological interactions (2 lectures): Bonding might not last forever and energy transfer is not always efficient.
Entropy and biology (2 lectures): Using Boltzmann approach to entropy leads to intuitive understanding of biology.
Fluids and motility (1 lecture): Biological examples will be described with concepts of fluid mechanics, random motion and diffusion.
Special topic (extra time): Self-assembly and its relation to chemical potential

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