
Table of Contents



Configuring TCP/IP


This chapter describes the TCP/IP protocol, and specifically, how Cisco Systems implements this protocol on its terminal servers. Topics in this chapter include:

n Configuring the Telnet protocol on terminal server lines

n Configuring IP, including procedures for configuring the Internet address and the IP network services

n Setting up routing assistance methods whereby the terminal server can learn routes to other networks

n Creating access lists that control IP traffic to or from the terminal server

Cisco's Implementation of TCP/IP

The Internet Protocol (IP) is a packet-based protocol used to exchange data over computer networks. IP handles addressing, fragmentation, re-assembly, and protocol demultiplexing. It is the foundation on which all other Internet protocols, collectively referred to as the Internet Protocol suite, are built.

Built upon the IP layer suite, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented protocol that specifies the format of data and acknowledgments that two computer systems exchange to transfer data. TCP also specifies the procedures the computers use to ensure that the data arrives correctly. TCP allows multiple applications on a system to communicate concurrently, as it handles all demultiplexing of the incoming traffic among the application programs.

The Cisco Systems implementation of TCP generally ensures good terminal server performance on slow-speed links as well as high-speed LAN links. Cisco's TCP software includes Telnet, a simple remote terminal protocol that is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite. The software provides commands that allow you to turn on or off TCP services such as stream processing and debugging modes for monitoring the connection. Additionally, the software supports rlogin, the BSD UNIX remote login service.

Use of the TCP and Telnet options are described first. This chapter then provides an overview of IP, including IP addressing, and then describes the commands available for configuring IP.

Telnet Support

The Internet Protocol suite includes the simple remote terminal protocol called Telnet. Telnet allows a user at one site to establish a TCP connection to a login server at another site, then passes the keystrokes from one system to the other. Telnet can accept either an Internet address or a domain name as the remote system address. In short, Telnet offers three main services:

n Network Virtual Terminal Connection

n Option Negotiation

n Symmetric Connection

The Cisco Systems implementation of Telnet supports the following Telnet options:

n Remote Echo

n Binary Transmission

n Suppress Go Ahead

n Timing Mark

n Terminal Type

n Send Location

n Terminal Speed

n Remote Flow Control

n X display location

It also supports special Telnet commands in the form of Telnet sequences that map generic terminal control functions to operating system-specific functions. To issue a special Telnet command, type the escape sequence (usually Ctrl-^) and then a command character. You can type the command character as you hold down Ctrl or with Ctrl released; you can type either uppercase or lowercase letters. Table 1-1 lists the special Telnet commands.

Table 1-1   Special Commands in the Cisco Systems Telnet Implementation

Command Name Command Characters

Break Ctrl-B

Interrupt Process (IP) Ctrl-C

Abort Output (AO) Ctrl-O

Are You There? (AYT) Ctrl-T

Making and Managing Telnet Connections

Two TCP/IP protocols, Telnet and rlogin, are available for making connections to a host. Telnet, a virtual terminal protocol that is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite, allows for connections to hosts. Telnet is the more widely used protocol. The rlogin protocol is a remote login service developed for the BSD UNIX system. It provides better control and output suppression than Telnet, but may only be used when the host (typically, a UNIX system) also supports rlogin.

Directions for making connections can be very simple: To make a Telnet connection, type the name or address of the host to which you want to connect at the EXEC prompt and press Return. Type the connect command before the host name, if the name of the host is the same as a command word. To make an rlogin connection, type the rlogin command before the host name or address. In either case, the terminal server either connects you to the host or prints a message stating that the connection failed.

When you are done, log off the host. The EXEC terminates any connection after 10 minutes (default) of inactivity, or when you enter the exit command at the EXEC prompt.

However, the Cisco software also provides additional connection options. The following sections explain these options, and commands to display and monitor the connections.

Starting a Telnet Connection

Use the EXEC command connect or telnet to start a Telnet connection. The command has this syntax:

{connect | telnet} host [port] [keyword]

The argument host is a host name or an Internet address. The optional argument port is a decimal TCP port number; the default is the Telnet server port (decimal 23) on the host. The optional argument keyword is one of the following:

n /route: path—Specifies loose source routing. The argument path is a list of host names or Internet addresses that specify network nodes, ending with the final destination. For example, the following command routes packets from the source system to, then to, and finally to mathom:

connect mathom /route: mathom

n /line—Enables Telnet line mode. In this mode, the terminal server does not send any data to the host until the user presses Return. The user can edit the line using the standard terminal server command editing characters (Backspace, Delete, Ctrl-U, Ctrl-W). The /line keyword is a local switch; the remote server is not notified of the mode change.

n /debug—Enables Telnet debugging mode.

n /stream—Turns on stream processing, which enables a raw TCP stream with no Telnet control sequences. A stream connection does no processing of Telnet options, and may be appropriate for connections to ports running UUCP and other non-Telnet protocols.

You may omit the command word connect or telnet, if the host name you want to use is not the same as a terminal server command word.

The terminal server assigns a logical name to each connection; several commands use these names to identify connections. The logical name is the same as the host name, unless that name is already in use or you change the connection name with the EXEC command name-connection. If the name is already in use, the terminal server assigns a null name to the connection.

Starting an Rlogin Connection

The rlogin command starts a connection using the UNIX rlogin protocol. The full syntax of the command follows:

rlogin host [debug]

The argument host is a host name or an Internet address. The optional keyword debug enables debugging output from the rlogin protocol.

An alternative to the Telnet protocol, the rlogin protocol provides superior flow control and output suppression. The Cisco Systems implementation of rlogin does not subscribe to the trusted host model. That is, a user cannot automatically log onto a UNIX system from the terminal server, but must provide a user ID and a password for each connection.

Establishing Multiple Connections

You can several concurrent Telnet or rlogin connections open and switch back and forth between them. The number of connections that may be opened is defined by the session-limit command; see the "Configuring the System" chapter for more information about this command. To switch between connections, first type the escape sequence, which by default is Ctrl-^, X (press the Ctrl, Shift and ^ keys simultaneously, let go, then press the X key), to return to the system command prompt.

To make a new connection, use the procedure described in the sections "Starting a Telnet Connection," or "Starting an Rlogin Connection," above. To get back to an existing connection, use the resume command, described next. Use the where command to list your open connections.

Switching Between Connections

The EXEC command resume command returns to a previous connection. The command syntax follows:

resume [connection] [/keyword]

The optional argument connection is the connection name or number; the default is the most recent connection. The optional argument /keyword is one of the following keywords:

n /line—Enables Telnet line mode. In this mode, the terminal server does not send any data to the host until the user presses Return. The user can edit the line using the standard terminal server command editing characters (Backspace, Delete, Ctrl-U, Ctrl W). The /line keyword is a local switch; the remote server is not notified of the mode change.

n /noline—Disables Telnet line mode and enables character-at-a-time mode (default).

n /debug—Enables Telnet debugging mode.

n /nodebug—Disables Telnet debugging mode (default).

n /stream—Turns on stream processing, which enables a raw TCP stream with no Telnet control sequences. A stream connection does no processing of Telnet options, and may be appropriate for connections to ports running UUCP and other non-Telnet protocols.

n /nostream—Turns off stream processing, which enables the Telnet protocol (default).

n /echo—Enables local echoing of characters (default). The /echo keyword is a local switch; the remote server is not notified of the state change.

n /noecho—Disables local echoing of characters.

Note:    The terminal server supports Telnet line mode, also called local editing; you can request line mode with the connect command. If a remote host responds with "WONT SUPPRESS-GA," the terminal server assumes the host wants line-at-a-time input along with line mode. You can also put a Telnet session into line mode by using the /line keyword with the resume command.

You can omit the command word resume and simply type the connection number to resume a connection. You can also return to the most recent session by just pressing the Return key.

Listing Open Connections

The EXEC command where displays information about all open Telnet or rlogin connections associated with the current terminal line. Enter this command at the EXEC prompt:


Following is a sample display:

Conn Host Address Byte Idle Conn Name



The information it displays includes the host name, address, number of characters waiting to be sent to the terminal, idle time, and connection name. An asterisk (*) indicates the current connection.

Aborting a Connection

The EXEC command disconnect aborts a connection, and has this syntax:

disconnect [connection]

The optional argument connection is a connection name or number; the default is the current connection. To list your open connection, use the where command.

Note:     Do not use the disconnect command to end a session. Instead, log off the host, thus allowing the host to initiate the disconnect. If you cannot log off the host, use the disconnect command.

Configuring the Lines for Telnet Support

This section describes the line subcommands for configuring Telnet protocol-specific lines. For information about the configure command and the line configuration command, see the chapter "Configuring the System."

Setting the Line Speed Range for Remote Modification

The line subcommand telnet speed specifies preferred line speeds. It has this syntax:

telnet speed default-speed maximum-speed

The argument default-speed is the speed the terminal server will use in the absence of speed negotiation by the device on the other end of the connection. The argument maximum-speed is the maximum speed the terminal server will use. This subcommand is useful on a line configured in reverse connection mode when it is connected to a host that understands the Remote Flow Control option, defined in RFC 1080.


This example allows the line to negotiate a bit rate using the Telnet option. If no speed is negotiated, the line will run at 2400 bit per second. If the remote host requests a speed of greater than 9600 baud, then 9600 will be used.


line 5

telnet speed 2400 9600


Refusing Negotiation on Remote Echo or Suppress Go Ahead

Use the line configuration subcommand telnet refuse-negotiations to suppress negotiation of the Telnet Remote Echo and Suppress Go Ahead options. The command has this simple syntax:

telnet refuse-negotiations

This subcommand causes Telnet to refuse to negotiate the options on incoming connections.

Handling Different End of Line Interpretations

The line configuration subcommand telnet transparent causes the terminal server to send a Return (CR) as a CR followed by a NUL instead of a CR followed by a Line Feed (LF). It has this simple syntax:

telnet transparent

This subcommand is useful for coping with different interpretations of end-of-line handling in the Telnet protocol specification.

Synchronizing the Break Signal

The line configuration subcommand telnet sync-on-break causes the terminal server to send a Telnet Synchronize signal when it receives a Telnet Break signal. The syntax of this command follows:

telnet sync-on-break

The TCP Synchronize signal clears the data path, but will still interpret incoming commands.

Generating a Hardware Break Signal

The telnet break-on-ip line configuration subcommand causes the system to generate a hardware Break signal on the RS-232 line that is associated with a Telnet connection, when a Telnet Interrupt-Process (IP) command is received on that connection. The syntax for this command is:

telnet break-on-ip

Use this command to work around the following situations:

n Several user Telnet programs send an IP command, but cannot send a Telnet break command.

n Some Telnet programs implement a Break command that sends an IP command.

n Some RS-232 hardware devices use a hardware Break command for various purposes.

A hardware Break command is generated when a Telnet break command is received.

In the following example, line 5 is configured with the telnet break-on-ip command. The location text notes that this refers to the high-speed modem. The telnet transparent command sets end-of-line handling.


line 5

location high-speed modem

telnet transparent

telnet break-on-ip

Line Configuration Example

The following example represents a typical listing for a modem configured for maximum transparency.



line 1-20

telnet transparent

telnet break-on-ip

telnet speed 2400 19200


Optimizing Response to User Interrupt Characters

When used with a correctly operating host, Cisco terminal servers implement the Telnet Synchronize and Abort Output signals, which can stop output within one packet's worth of data from the time the user types the interrupt character. For a faster response to user interrupt characters, use the ip tcp chunk-size global configuration command. The command has this syntax:

ip tcp chunk-size number

The argument number is the number of characters output before the interrupt executes. The suggested value of number is 80, which will typically abort output within a line or two of where the user types the interrupt character. Values of less than 50 are not recommended for reasons of efficiency.

Changing the chunk size affects neither the size of the packet used nor the TCP window size, either of which would cause serious efficiency problems for the remote host as well as for the terminal server. Instead, the Telnet status is checked after the number of characters specified, causing only a relatively minor performance loss.


This command allows the terminal server to react more quickly when an interrupt character or sequence is typed (Ctrl-C, for example.)


ip tcp chunk-size 100


Configuring IP

Specify the IP address to use on the interface using the ip address command. This command also requests the subnet mask to identify the network portion of the address.

Cisco's IP implementation also provides commands to:

n Configure network services such as ICMP and UDP

n Set up router discovery mechanisms

n Configure access lists that filter incoming or outgoing network transmissions.

The commands to configure IP and the IP services and features are entered in configuration mode, which is privileged. To enter this mode, type the configure command at the EXEC prompt. For more information about the configuration mode, see the chapter "Configuring the System."

The following sections describe these tasks. The commands for monitoring and debugging IP are described at the end of this chapter, along with alphabetical summaries of the configuration commands described in this chapter.

Internet Addressing

As described in RFC 1020, Internet addresses are 32-bit quantities, divided into five classes. The classes differ in the number of bits allocated to the network and host portions of the address. For this discussion, consider a network to be a collection of computers (hosts) that have the same network field value in their Internet addresses.

Internet Address Classes

The Class A Internet address format allocates the highest eight bits (octet) to the network field and sets the highest-order bit to 0 (zero). The remaining 24 bits form the host field. Only 128 Class A networks can exist, but each Class A network can have almost 17 million hosts. Figure 11 illustrates the Class A address format.

Figure 1-1   The Class A Internet Address Forma

The Class B Internet address format allocates the highest 16 bits to the network field and sets the two highest-order bits to 1,0. The remaining 16 bits form the host field. Over 16,384 Class B networks can exist, and each Class B network can have up to 65,536 hosts. Figure 12 illustrates the Class B address format.

Figure 1-2   The Class B Internet Address Format

The Class C Internet address format allocates the highest 24 bits to the network field and sets the three highest-order bits to 1,1,0. The remaining eight bits form the host field. Over 2 million Class C networks can exist, and each Class C network can have up to 255 hosts. Figure 13 illustrates the Class C address format.

Figure 1-3   The Class C Internet Address Format

The Class D Internet address format is reserved for multicast groups, as discussed in RFC 988. In Class D addresses, the four highest-order bits are set to 1,1,1,0.

The Class E Internet address format is reserved for future use. In Class E addresses, the four highest-order bits are set to 1,1,1,1. The terminal server currently ignores Class D and Class E Internet addresses, except the global broadcast address

Internet Address Notation

The notation for Internet addresses consists of four numbers separated by dots (periods). Each number, written in decimal, represents an 8-bit octet. When strung together, the four octets form the 32-bit Internet address. This notation is called dotted decimal.

These examples show 32-bit values expressed as Internet addresses:

Note that 255, which represents an octet of all ones, is the largest possible value of a field in a dotted-decimal number.

Allowable Internet Addresses

Some Internet addresses are reserved for special uses and cannot be used for host, subnet, or network addresses. Table 1-2 lists ranges of Internet addresses and shows which addresses are reserved and which are available for use.

Table 1-2   Reserved and Available Internet Addresses

Class Address or Range Status

A Old broadcast address through Available Reserved Software loopback

B Reserved through Available Reserved

C Reserved through Available Reserved

D, E through Reserved Broadcast

Internet Address Conventions

If the bits in the host portion of an address are all 0, that address refers to the network specified in the network portion of the address. For example, the Class C address refers to a particular network.

If the bits in the host portion of an address are all 1, that address refers to all hosts on the network specified in the network portion of the address. For example, the Class B address refers to all hosts on the network.

Because of these conventions, do not use an Internet address with all zeros or all ones in the host portion for your terminal server address.


Subnetting is a scheme for imposing a simple hierarchy on hosts that are connected using a single physical network. The usual practice is to use a few of the leftmost bits in the host portion of the network addresses for a subnet field. For example, Figure 14 shows a Class B address with five bits of the host portion used as the subnet field. The official description of subnetting is RFC 950, "Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure."

Figure 1-4   
A Class B Address With a Five-Bit Subnet Field

As with the host portion of an address, do not use all zeros or all ones in the subnet field.

Subnet Masks

A subnet mask identifies the subnet field of network addresses. This mask is a 32-bit Internet address written in dotted-decimal notation with all ones in the network and subnet portions of the address. For the example shown in Figure 14, the subnet mask is

Table 1-3 shows the subnet masks you can use to divide an octet into subnet and host fields. The subnet field can consist of any number of the host field bits; you do not need to use multiples of eight. However, you should use three or more bits for the subnet field—a subnet field of two bits yields only four subnets, two of which are reserved (the 1,1 and 0,0 values).

Table 1-3   Subnet Masks

Subnet Bits Host Bits Hex Mask Decimal Mask

0 8 0 0

1 7 0x80 128

2 6 0xC0 192

3 5 0xE0 224

4 4 0xF0 240

5 3 0xF8 248

6 2 0xFC 252

7 1 0xFE 254

8 0 0xFF 255

Broadcast Addresses

A broadcast is a data packet destined for all hosts on a particular network. Network hosts recognize broadcasts by special addresses. This section describes the meaning and use of Internet broadcast addresses. For detailed discussions of broadcast issues in general, see RFC 919, "Broadcasting Internet Datagrams," and RFC 922, "Broadcasting Internet Datagrams in the Presence of Subnets." The terminal server support for Internet broadcasts generally complies with RFC 919 and RFC 922; however, the terminal server does not support multiple subnet broadcasts as defined in RFC 922.

The current standard for an Internet broadcast address requires that the host portion of the address consist of all ones. If the network portion of the broadcast address is also all ones, the broadcast applies to the local network only. If the network portion of the broadcast address is not all ones, the broadcast applies to the network or subnet specified. (Broadcast addresses that include the network or subnet fields are called directed broadcasts.) In the latter case, the sender need not be on the same network or subnet as the intended receiving hosts.

For example, if the network is, the address indicates all hosts on network If network has a subnet mask of (the third octet is the subnet field), the address specifies all hosts on subnet 5 of network

Several early TCP/IP implementations do not use the current broadcast address standard. Instead, they use the old standard, which calls for all zeros instead of all ones to indicate broadcast addresses. Many of these implementations do not recognize an all-ones broadcast address and fail to respond to the broadcast correctly. Others forward all-ones broadcasts, which causes a serious network overload known as a "broadcast storm." Implementations that exhibit these problems include UNIX systems based on versions of BSD UNIX prior to version 4.3.

The Cisco Systems terminal servers support different broadcast addresses. To change the Internet broadcast address, see "Sending Internet Broadcast Messages" later in this chapter.

Specifying the IP Address

To set the interface address and the subnet mask, use the ip address interface subcommand. The command has this syntax:

ip address address subnet-mask

The argument address is a Class A, Class B, or Class C Internet address for the interface. The argument subnet-mask is a mask of address bits that specifies the network portion of the address.


These commands sets a Class A Internet address for Ethernet 0 with a subnet of 52:


interface ethernet 0

ip address


Configuring TCP/IP Network Services

The following sections describe the IP network services supported by the Cisco TCP/IP software implementation. These services include:

n Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

n Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

n Reverse ARP

n Proxy ARP (Cisco feature)

n Boot Protocol (BootP)

n User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

n Domain Name Mechanism

In many cases, use of these services requires no configuration. Procedures requiring configuration generally also require entering IP addresses. Refer to the section "Internet Addressing" earlier in this manual for an overview of the Internet addressing scheme. Refer to the list of references at the end of this manual for recommended texts about TCP/IP.

Internet Control Message Protocol

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a special protocol within the IP protocol suite that focuses exclusively on control and management of IP connections. ICMP messages are generated when a problem is discovered with the IP part of a packet's header. The messages serve to alert another device on the network of a problem, or they may be sent to the source or destination device (host). The terminal server listens to ICMP Destination Unreachable messages as it tries to create TCP connections to other hosts.

If the terminal server receives a non-broadcast packet that uses a protocol the terminal server does not recognize, it sends an ICMP Protocol Unreachable message to the source.

The terminal server caches ICMP Redirect messages and uses them to decide which local router to use when sending a packet. To display the current cache of these messages, use the EXEC command show ip redirects. For more information, see the section "Monitoring TCP/IP" at the end of this chapter.

When you use the privileged EXEC command ping, the terminal server sends ICMP Echo messages to check host reachability and network connectivity. If the terminal server receives an ICMP Echo message, it sends an ICMP Echo Reply message to the source of the ICMP Echo message.

If the value in the time-to-live field of a packet falls to zero, or if the terminal server cannot reassemble a fragmented packet in the time allowed, the terminal server sends an ICMP Time Exceeded message to the source of the packet and discards the packet.

If the terminal server receives an ICMP Information Request or ICMP Timestamp Request message, it responds with an ICMP Information Reply or Timestamp Reply message.

During the process of obtaining configuration information from network servers, the terminal server sends broadcast ICMP Mask Request messages to determine subnet definitions for the local networks.

Internet Header Options

The terminal server supports the Internet header options Strict Source Route, Loose Source Route, Record Route, and Time Stamp.

The terminal server examines the header options of every packet that it receives. If it finds a packet with an invalid option, the terminal server sends an ICMP Parameter Problem message to the source of the packet and discards the packet.

You can use the extended command mode of the privileged EXEC command ping to specify several of the Internet header options. To see the list of the options you can specify, type a question mark at the "extended commands" prompt of the ping command.

Dynamic Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

The terminal server uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), defined in RFC 826, to locate other hosts on the network. ARP is a protocol for mapping 32-bit Internet protocol addresses to 48-bit Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 hardware addresses.

To send an Internet data packet to a local host with which it has not previously communicated, the terminal server first broadcasts an ARP Request packet. The ARP Request packet requests the Ethernet hardware address corresponding to an Internet address. All hosts on the local Ethernet receive the ARP Request, but only the host with the specified Internet address may respond.

If present and functioning, the host with the specified address responds with an ARP Reply packet containing its hardware address. The terminal server receives the ARP Reply packet, stores the hardware address in its ARP cache for future use, and begins exchanging packets with the receiving host.

Specifying Permanent ARP Cache Entries

The global configuration command arp installs a permanent entry in the system ARP cache, which the terminal server uses to translate 32-bit Internet Protocol addresses into 48-bit Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 hardware addresses that use the specified type of encapsulation. The full syntax of this command follows:

arp internet-address hardware-address type-keyword
no arp internet-address

The argument internet-address is the Internet address in dotted-decimal format corresponding to the hardware address specified by argument hardware-address, specified as a "dotted triple" of hexadecimal digits. The argument type-keyword is the encapsulation keyword, and can be one of the following:

n arpa—specifies standard Ethernet style ARP (RFC 826) encapsulation. This is the default encapsulation method for Ethernet interfaces.

n snap—specifies ARP packets conforming to RFC 1042.

n probe—specifies the HP-proprietary Probe protocol for IEEE-802.3 networks and resolves IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet local data link virtual addresses using the Virtual Address Request and Reply message.

The no arp command removes the specified entry from the ARP cache.

To remove all non-interface entries from the ARP cache, use the privileged EXEC command clear arp-cache.

Note:    Because most hosts support the use of address resolution protocols to determine and cache address information (called dynamic address resolution), you generally do not need to specify permanent ARP cache entries.


This example establishes ARPA Ethernet encapsulation for Internet address and hardware address 0800.0900.1B34:

arp 0800.0900.1B34 arpa

Finding an Internet Address

The terminal server uses both Reverse ARP (RARP) and Boot Protocol (BootP) messages when trying to obtain interface addresses from network servers. Reverse ARP, defined in RFC 903, works the same way as ARP, except that the RARP Request packet requests an Internet address instead of a hardware address. The Cisco Systems terminal servers use RARP during startup processing to attempt to determine their Internet addresses from other network servers.

BootP, defined in RFC 951, specifies a method for determining the Internet address of a host from its Ethernet hardware address. The basic mechanism is similar to that used by RARP, but it is UDP-based rather than a distinct Ethernet protocol. (For more information, see "Sending UDP Broadcasts" later in this chapter.) The main advantage of BootP is that its messages can be routed through routers, whereas RARP messages cannot leave the local Ethernet.

Note:    Because of its built-in non-volatile memory, the STS-10x terminal server does not support RARP and BootP.

Sending Internet Broadcast Messages

The terminal server supports Internet broadcasts on both local and wide area networks. At least four ways exist to indicate the Internet broadcast address. You can configure a terminal server host to generate any form of Internet broadcast address. The terminal server can also receive and understand any form of Internet broadcast address.

By default, a terminal server host uses all ones for both the network and host portions of the Internet broadcast address ( You can change the Internet broadcast address by setting jumpers in the processor configuration register. Setting bit 10 causes the terminal server to use all zeros. Bit 10 interacts with bit 14, which controls the network and subnet portions of the broadcast address. Setting bit 14 causes the terminal server to include the network and subnet portions of its address in the broadcast address.

Table 1-4 shows the combined effect of bits 10 and 14. For more information about the configuration register, see the relevant Cisco Modular Hardware Products Installation and Reference publication.

Table 1-4   Configuration Register Settings for Broadcast Address Destination

Bit 14 Bit 10 Address (<net><host>)

out out <ones><ones>

out in <zeros><zeros>

in in <net><zeros>

in out <net><ones>

Changing the Internet Broadcast Address

If the terminal server has the non-volatile memory option, you can also change the Internet broadcast address by using the interface subcommand ip broadcast-address. The command has this syntax:

ip broadcast-address address

The argument address specifies an Internet address for the terminal server to use in all broadcasts. The default broadcast address is

Note:    The terminal server recognizes most forms of the broadcast address, but generates only one type of address when broadcasting on its own behalf.

Sending UDP Broadcasts

The terminal server occasionally employs UDP broadcasts to determine address, configuration, and name information. (UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol, defined in RFC 768.) If the terminal server is on a network segment that does not include a server host, UDP broadcasts fail.

To correct this situation, you can configure an interface of a Cisco Systems router or gateway server to forward certain classes of UDP broadcasts to a specified address. See the Cisco Router Products Configuration and Reference publication for more information.

Assigning an Internet Address to a Service

The ip alias global configuration command assigns an Internet address to the service provided on a TCP port.

ip alias internet-address TCP-port
no ip alias internet-address

The argument internet-address is the Internet address for the service, and the argument TCP-port is the number of the TCP port. Note that internet-address must be on the same network or subnet as the terminal server's main address, and must not be used by another host on that network or subnet. Connecting to internet-address has the same effect as connecting to the terminal server's main address, using TCP-port as the TCP port.

You can use the ip alias command to assign multiple Internet addresses to the terminal server. For example, in addition to the primary alias address, you can specify addresses that correspond to lines or rotary groups. Using the ip alias command in this way makes the process of connecting to a specific terminal line or rotary group transparent to the user.

The no ip alias command removes the specified address for the terminal server.


This command


ip alias 3001


configures connections to IP address to act identically to connections made to server's primary IP address on TCP port 3001. In other words, the user trying to connect will get connected to the first free line in rotary group 1 using the Telnet protocol.

Defining Static Host Name to Address Mappings

The global configuration command ip host enters a static host-name-to-address mapping in the host cache.

ip host name [TCP-port] internet-address1 [internet-address2 . . . internet-address8]
no ip host

The argument name is the host name, and the optional argument TCP-port is the TCP port number (in decimal). If you omit the argument TCP-port, the Telnet port is assumed. You may specify up to eight Internet address arguments (the first address argument is required), separated by spaces.

To remove a host cache entry, use the privileged EXEC command clear host. See the section "Maintaining TCP/IP" at the end of this chapter for more information.


You can use the ip host command to set up aliases for hosts and for host-and-port pairs.

ip host chaff

ip host printer 2034

ip host cisco-gw

In the above example, the host chaff corresponds to host address, printer is TCP port 2034 at Internet address, and cisco-gw is a host with two addresses.

Configuring Dynamic Name Lookup

You can specify that the Domain Name System (DNS) or an IEN-116 name server automatically determine host-name-to-address mappings. Use these global configuration commands to establish different forms of dynamic name lookup:

n ip name-server

n ip domain-name

n ip ipname-lookup

n ip domain-lookup

To have one or more hosts supply name information, use the ip name-server global configuration command. The full syntax of the command follows:

ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2 . . . server-address6]

The arguments server-address are the Internet addresses of up to six name servers. By default, the terminal server uses the all-ones broadcast address (


This command specifies host as the primary name server, and host as the secondary server. Domain name requests, which by default are controlled by the service domain command, are sent to each address in the list until a response is received.


ip name-server


The global configuration command ip domain-name defines a default domain name the terminal server uses to complete unqualified host names (names without a dotted domain name appended to them). The syntax of this command follows:

ip domain-name name
no ip domain-name

The argument name is the domain name; do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name.

The no ip domain-name command disables use of the Domain Name System.


This command


ip domain-name


defines to be used as the default name. Any IP host name that does not contain a domain name, that is, any name without a dot (.), will have the dot and appended to it before being added to the domain name system.

By default, IP Domain Name System-based host-name-to-address translation is enabled. To enable or disable this feature, use the ip domain-lookup global configuration command as follows:

ip domain-lookup
no ip domain-lookup

The no variation of the command disables the feature; the ip domain-lookup command restores the default.

To specify the IP IEN-116 Name Server host-name-to-address translation, use the ip ipname-lookup global configuration command as follows:

ip ipname-lookup
no ip ipname-lookup

This command is disabled by default; the no variation of the command restores the default.

Establishing Domain Lists

To define a list of default domain names to complete unqualified host names, use the ip domain-list global configuration command.

ip domain-list name
no ip domain-list name

This is similar to the ip domain-name command, except that with ip domain-list you can define a list of domains, each to be tried in turn.

The argument name is the domain name; do not enter an initial period. Specify only one name when you enter the ip domain-list command.

Example 1:

In the example below, several domain names are added to a list:

ip domain-list

ip domain-list

Example 2:

In the example below a name is added and another one is deleted from the list.

ip domain-list

no ip domain-list

If there is no domain list, the default domain name is used.

Setting Up Routing Assistance

The terminal server software provides three methods by which the terminal server can learn about routes to other networks:

n Using Proxy ARP

n To define a default router

n Using the Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP)

The first and most common method is by using proxy ARP (provide reference to section where this is described). The software treats all networks as if they are local, and performs ARPs for every IP address. The appropriate router to that network answers the ARP request, allowing the software to reach any network. This method works so long as the routers supported proxy ARP. While this is true of Cisco routers, many other routers, and especially host-based routing software, do not support this feature.

The second method for locating routes is to define a default router, as described in the subsequent section "Using the Default Gateway." The software sends all non-local packets to this router, which would route them appropriately, and perhaps send an ICMP redirect message back to the terminal server, telling it of a better router. The software would cache these redirect messages, and route each packet thereafter as efficiently as possible. The problem with this method is that there is no means to detect when the default router had crashed or was unavailable, and no method of picking another router is possible in that event.

The Cisco terminal server software provides a third method, called Router Discovery, by which the terminal server may learn about routes to other networks using the Cisco-defined Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP) for detecting routers. It is also capable of wiretapping RIP and IGRP routing updates, and inferring from those updates the location of routers. The terminal server client implementation of router discovery does not actually examine or store the full routing tables sent by routers, it merely keeps track of which systems are sending such data. Each method is described in the following sections.

Using Proxy ARP

Proxy ARP, defined in RFC 1027, enables an Ethernet host with no knowledge of routing to communicate with hosts on other networks or subnets. Such a host assumes that all hosts are on the same local Ethernet, and that it can use ARP to determine their hardware addresses.

Under proxy ARP, if a gateway receives an ARP Request for a host that is not on the same network as the ARP Request sender, the gateway evaluates whether it has the best route to that host. If the gateway does have the best route, the gateway sends an ARP Reply packet giving its own Ethernet hardware address. The host that sent the ARP Request then sends its packets to the gateway, which forwards them to the intended host.

All Cisco Systems routers and gateway servers support proxy ARP.

Using the Default Gateway

Because the terminal server hosts do not "wiretap" or participate in routing transactions, they are independent of any routing protocol. The terminal server can use a default gateway (router) or rely on proxy ARP to send packets to hosts not on the local subnet or network.

You set up a default gateway for the terminal server using the ip default-gateway global configuration command. The command has this syntax:

ip default-gateway address
no ip default-gateway

The ip default-gateway command specifies the router the terminal server uses to send packets to hosts not on the local network or subnet. The argument address is the Internet address of the router.

The terminal server sends any packets needing the assistance of a gateway to the address you specify. If another gateway has a better route to the requested host, the default gateway sends an ICMP Redirect message to the terminal server. The ICMP Redirect message indicates which local router the terminal server should use.

To display the address of the default gateway, use the EXEC command show ip redirects. See the section "Monitoring TCP/IP" later in this chapter for more information.


This example command defines the router on Internet address as the default router:

ip default-gateway

Using the Router Discovery Mechanism

The Cisco Router Discovery mechanism allows the terminal server to learn the routes to other networks using routing protocols. The mechanism supports these routing protocols:

n Gateway Discovery Protocol (GDP)

n Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

n Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)

You may configure the three protocols together in any combination. When possible, it is recommended that GDP be used, as it allows each router to specify both a priority and the time after which a router should be assumed down if no further packets are received. Routers discovered using IGRP are assigned an arbitrary priority of 60. Routers discovered through RIP are assigned a priority of 50. For IGRP and RIP, the software attempts to measure the time between updates, and will assume that the router is down if no updates are received for 2.5 times that interval.

Each router discovered by the terminal server becomes a candidate for the default router. The list of candidates is scanned to select a new router with the highest priority for the following reasons:

n To make sure that no higher-priority routers have been discovered. The router is polled at five minute intervals.

n When the current default router is declared down.

n When a TCP connection is about to time out because of excessive retransmissions, the server flushes the ARP cache and the ICMP redirect cache, and picks a new default router, in an attempt to find a route to the destination that works.

Detecting Routers Using the Cisco GDP Protocol

Use this interface subcommand to configure the Router Discovery feature using the Cisco GDP routing protocol:

ip gdp gdp
no ip gdp gdp

Use the no ip gdp gdp command to turn the feature off.


This example command configures Router Discovery using GDP on the Ethernet 0 interface:


interface ethernet 0

ip gdp gdp


Detecting Routers Using the UNIX RIP Protocol

Use this interface subcommand to configure the Router Discovery feature using the UNIX RIP routing protocol:

ip gdp rip
no ip gdp rip

Use the no ip gdp rip command to turn the feature off.


This example command configures Router Discovery using RIP on the Ethernet 1 interface:


interface ethernet 1

ip gdp rip


Detecting Routers Using the Cisco IGRP Protocol

Use this interface subcommand to configure the Router Discovery feature using the Cisco IGRP routing protocol:

ip gdp igrp
no ip gdp igrp

Use the no ip gdp igrp command to turn the feature off.


This example command configures Router Discovery using IGRP on the Ethernet 1 interface:


interface ethernet 1

ip gdp igrp


Configuring IP Access Lists

An access list is a sequential collection of permit and deny conditions that apply to Internet addresses. The terminal server tests addresses against the conditions in an access list, one by one. The first match determines whether the terminal server accepts or rejects the address. Because the terminal server stops testing conditions after the first match, the order of the conditions is critical. When no conditions match, the terminal server rejects the address.

Specifying Access Conditions

To specify an access condition, use the access-list global configuration command. The command syntax is somewhat complex:

access-list list {permit | deny} address wildcard-mask
no access-list list

The argument list is an integer from 1 through 99 that you assign to identify one or more permit/deny conditions as an access list. Access list 0 is predefined; it permits any address and is the default access list for terminal lines.

The terminal server compares the address being tested to address ignoring any bits specified in wildcard-mask. If you use the condition keyword permit, a match causes the address to be accepted. If you use the condition keyword deny, a match causes the address to be rejected.

The arguments address and wildcard-mask are 32-bit quantities written in dotted-decimal format. Address bits corresponding to wild-card mask bits set to 1 are ignored in comparisons; address bits corresponding to wild-card mask bits set to 0 (zero) are used in comparisons. See the examples later in this section.

An access list can contain an indefinite number of actual and wild-card addresses. A wild-card address has a non-zero address mask and thus potentially matches more than one actual address. The terminal server examines first the actual addresses, then the wild-card addresses. The order of the wild-card addresses is important, because the terminal server stops examining access-list entries after it finds a match.

The no access-list command removes the specified access list.

Example 1:

The following access-list example allows access for only those hosts on the three specified networks. This example assumes that subnetting is not used; the masks apply to the host portions of the network addresses.

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 permit

Example 2:

In the next example, network is a Class A network whose second octet specifies a subnet; that is, its subnet mask is The third and fourth octets of a network address specify a particular host. Using access list 2, the terminal server would accept one address on subnet 48 and reject all others on that subnet. The terminal server would accept addresses on all other network subnets:

access-list 2 permit ! allow one host

access-list 2 deny ! block subnet 48

access-list 2 permit ! all of net 36

Example 3:

To specify a large number of individual addresses more easily, you can omit the address mask that is all zeros from the access-list configuration command. Thus, the following two configuration commands are identical in effect:

access-list 2 permit

access-list 2 permit

Restricting Terminal Connections

To restrict incoming and outgoing connections between a particular terminal line or group of lines and the addresses in an access list, use the access-class subcommand of the line configuration command:

access-class list {in | out}

The argument list is an integer from 1 through 99 that specifies the defined access list. Use the keyword in to control which hosts may make Telnet or TCP connections into the terminal server. These types of connections are associated with rotary groups, virtual terminals and printers, for example.

Example 1:

The following example defines an access list that permits only hosts on network to connect to the virtual terminals on the terminal server:

access-list 12 permit

line 41 45

access-class 12 in

Use the keyword out to define the access checks made on outgoing connections. (A user who types a host name at the system prompt to initiate a Telnet connection is making an outgoing connection.)

Example 2:

The following example defines an access list that denies connections to networks other than network on terminal lines 1 through 20:

access-list 10 permit

line 1 20

access-class 10 out

Note:    Set identical restrictions on the virtual terminal lines, because a user may connect to any of them.

To display the access lists for a particular terminal line, use the EXEC command show line and specify the line number.

Maintaining TCP/IP

Use the privileged EXEC commands described in this section to maintain the IP caches and lines.

Clearing the ARP Cache

Use the clear arp-cache command to remove all non-interface entries from the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Enter this command at the EXEC privileged level prompt:

clear arp-cache

Clearing the Host-Name-and-Address Cache

Use the clear host command to remove one or all entries from the host-name-and-address cache. Enter this command at the EXEC privileged level prompt:

clear host {name | *}

To remove a particular entry, use the argument name to specify the host. To clear the entire cache, use an asterisk (*). The show hosts command displays the host-name-and-address cache; see the upcoming section "Displaying the Host-Name-and-Address Cache."

Monitoring TCP/IP

This section describes the EXEC commands you use to obtain displays of IP activity.

Displaying Contents of the Access Lists

The show access-lists command displays the contents of the access-control lists. Enter this command at the EXEC prompt:

show access-lists

The following is sample command output:

Standard IP access list 1



permit, wildcard bits

The permit and deny conditions are listed for each network, along with the wildcard mask, if any.

Displaying the ARP Cache

To display the ARP cache, use the following EXEC command:

show arp

This command displays the contents of the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache. An Address Resolution Protocol establishes correspondences between network addresses (an IP address, for example) and LAN hardware addresses (Ethernet addresses). A record of each correspondence is kept in a cache for a predetermined amount of time and then discarded. Following is sample output. Table 1-5 describes the fields displayed.

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet 137 aa00.0400.6408 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 156 0800.2007.8866 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 33 0000.0c01.0509 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 5 0800.0900.46fa ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 41 aa00.0400.6508 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet - aa00.0400.0134 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 67 0000.0c00.2c83 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 67 2424.c01f.0711 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 64 0000.0c00.6fbf ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 114 2424.c01f.0715 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 15 0800.2008.c52e ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 44 0800.200a.bbfe ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 89 aa00.0400.6508 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet - 0000.0c00.750f ARPA Ethernet3

Internet - aa00.0400.0134 ARPA Ethernet0

Table 1-5   Show Arp Field Displays

Field Description

Protocol Protocol for network address in Address field

Address The network address that corresponds to Hardware Addr

Age (min) Age, in minutes, of the last update of cache entry

Hardware Addr LAN hardware address that corresponds to network

Type Type of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol):

ARPA = Ethernet-type ARP


Probe = HP Probe Protocol

Displaying the Host-Name-and-Address Cache

Use the show hosts command to display information about name-and-address translation. Enter this command at the EXEC privileged level prompt:

show hosts

The display includes the default domain name, the style of name lookup service, a list of name server addresses, and the cached list of host names and addresses.Table 1-6 briefly describes each field in this display.

The following is sample command output:

Default domain is CISCO.COM

Name/address lookup uses domain service

Name servers are

Host Flags Age Type Address(es)


MATHOM.CISCO.COM (temp, ??) 0 IP




NATASHA (perm, OK) 22 IP

Table 1-6   Name and Address Cache Display Field Descriptions

Field Description

Host Lists the host name

Flags Lists the lookup service.

temp Entered by a name server; the terminal server may
remove the entry after 72 hours of inactivity.

perm Entered by a configuration command and is not timed-
out. Entries marked OK are believed to be valid;
entries marked ?? are considered suspect and
subject to revalidation.

Age Indicates the number of hours since the terminal
server last referred to the cache entry.

Type Indicates whether the host has an Internet or a PAD

Addresses Host address. One host may have up to six addresses.

Displaying the IP ARP Cache

To display the IP ARP cache, use the following EXEC command:

show ip arp

This command displays the contents of the IP ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) cache. An Address Resolution Protocol establishes correspondences between network addresses (an IP address, for example) and LAN hardware addresses (Ethernet addresses). A record of each correspondence is kept in a cache for a predetermined amount of time and then discarded. Following is sample output. Table 1-7 describes the fields displayed.

Protocol Address Age (min) Hardware Addr Type Interface

Internet 137 aa00.0400.6408 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 156 0800.2007.8866 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 33 0000.0c01.0509 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 5 0800.0900.46fa ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 41 aa00.0400.6508 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet - aa00.0400.0134 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 67 0000.0c00.2c83 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 67 2424.c01f.0711 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 64 0000.0c00.6fbf ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 114 2424.c01f.0715 ARPA Ethernet2

Internet 15 0800.2008.c52e ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 44 0800.200a.bbfe ARPA Ethernet0

Internet 89 aa00.0400.6508 ARPA Ethernet0

Internet - 0000.0c00.750f ARPA Ethernet3

Internet - aa00.0400.0134 ARPA Ethernet0

Table 1-7   Show IP Arp Display Field Descriptions

Field Description

Protocol Protocol for network address in Address field

Address The network address that corresponds to Hardware Addr

Age (min) Age, in minutes, of the last update of the cache entry

Hardware Addr LAN hardware address that corresponds to network

Type Type of ARP (Address Resolution Protocol):

ARPA = Ethernet-type ARP


Probe = HP Probe Protocol

Displaying the Mapped Internet Address

The show ip aliases command displays Internet addresses mapped to TCP ports (aliases). Enter this command at the EXEC prompt:

show ip aliases

Sample output follows:

IP Address Port TTY35 TTY36 TTY37 TTY40

The display lists the IP address and corresponding port number.

Displaying IP Interface Statistics

The show ip interfaces command displays the Internet configuration of the network interface. Enter this command at the privileged EXEC prompt:

show ip interfaces

Following is a sample display:

Ethernet 0 is up, line protocol is up

Internet address is, subnet mask is

Broadcast address is

Address determined by non-volatile memory

Helper address is not set

Outgoing access list is not set

Proxy ARP is enabled

Security level is default

ICMP redirects are always sent

ICMP unreachables are always sent

ICMP mask replies are never sent

IP fast switching is disabled

Gateway Discovery is disabled

IP accounting is disabled

This display includes IP-specific parameters of the network interface, including the address, the subnet mask, the broadcast address, and how the address was determined. The display also includes parameters specific to the host Cisco router.

Displaying IP Redirect Messages

The show ip redirects command displays the current cache of ICMP Redirect messages for the system. Enter this command at the privileged EXEC prompt:

show ip redirects

The terminal server uses these redirect entries to decide which local gateway to use for the first hop when sending an Internet packet. The command displays the Internet address of the default gateway, if any. It also shows routers learned through the Gateway Discovery Program described earlier in this chapter in "Using the Router Discovery Mechanisms."

A sample display follows:

Gateway Using Interval Priority IGRP 80 60 IGRP 80 60 GDP 6 100 IGRP 81 60 IGRP 80 60 IGRP 90 60

Default gateway is

Host Gateway Last Use Total Uses Enterface 0:01 15 Ethernet0 0:00 33 Ethernet0

Displaying System Traffic

The show ip traffic command displays a detailed breakdown of the protocol traffic through the system. Enter this command at the privileged EXEC prompt:

show ip traffic

The following is sample command output:

IP statistics:

Rcvd: 321777 total, 321777 local destination

0 format errors, 0 checksum errors, 0 bad hop count

0 unknown protocol, 0 not a gateway

0 security failures, 0 bad options

Frags: 0 reassembled, 0 timeouts, 0 too big

0 fragmented, 0 couldn't fragment

Bcast: 9315 received, 51 sent

Sent: 326443 generated, 0 forwarded

59 encapsulation failed, 0 no route

ICMP statistics:

Rcvd: 0 checksum errors, 0 redirects, 0 unreachable, 0 echo

0 echo reply, 0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench

0 parameter, 0 timestamp, 0 info request, 0 other

Sent: 0 redirects, 0 unreachable, 0 echo, 0 echo reply

0 mask requests, 0 mask replies, 0 quench, 0 timestamp

0 info reply, 0 time exceeded, 0 parameter problem

UDP statistics:

Rcvd: 383 total, 0 checksum errors, 304 no port

Sent: 232 total, 0 forwarded broadcasts

TCP statistics:

Rcvd: 312108 total, 0 checksum errors, 7 no port

Sent: 326229 total

ARP statistics:

Rcvd: 574 requests, 149 replies, 86 reverse, 0 other

Sent: 268 requests, 62 replies (0 proxy), 0 reverse

In the output, a format error is a gross error in the packet format, such as an impossible Internet header length. A bad hop count occurs when a packet is discarded because its time-to-live (TTL) field was decremented to zero. An encapsulation failure usually indicates that the terminal server received no reply to an ARP request and therefore did not send the datagram. Most of the other output categories are interesting only on a gateway server.

Displaying Connection Status

The show tcp command displays the status of all TCP connections. Enter this command at the privileged level EXEC prompt:

show tcp [line-number]

The optional argument line-number restricts the report to the TCP connections for a particular line.

Following is sample output:

tty2 (Richard x1234), connection 1 to host RICHARD-SS2

Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0

Local host:, 27138 Foreign host:, 23

Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0, saved: 0

Event Timers (current time is 187173320):

Timer: Retrans TimeWait AckHold SendWnd KeepAlive

Starts: 64 0 197 0 0

Wakeups: 0 0 137 0 0

Next: 0 0 0 0 0

iss: 170606792 snduna: 170606894 sndnxt: 170606894 sndwnd: 4096

irs: 516160000 rcvnxt: 516200441 rcvwnd: 2144 delrcvwnd: 440

SRTT: 300 ms, RTTO: 607 ms, RTV: 3 ms, KRTT: 0 ms

minRTT: 0 ms, maxRTT: 1000 ms, ACK hold: 300 ms

Flags: higher precedence, retransmission timeout

Datagrams (max data segment is 1450 bytes):

Rcvd: 239 (out of order: 0), with data: 228, total data bytes: 40440

Sent: 236 (retransmit: 0), with data: 69, total data bytes: 105

Debugging TCP/IP

Use the privileged EXEC debugging commands described in this section to monitor error information about IP traffic. For each debug command, there is a corresponding undebug command to disable the reports.

debug arp

The debug arp command enables logging of ARP-related traffic.

debug broadcast

The debug broadcast command enables logging of all broadcast traffic.

debug ip-icmp

The debug ip-icmp command enables logging of ICMP transactions.

debug ip-packet

The debug ip-packet command enables logging of IP packets sent and received.

debug ip-routing

The command causes packets received and decisions made by the Router Discovery process to generate debugging messages. Use this EXEC command to debug the Router Discovery process.

debug ip-tcp

The debug ip-tcp command enables logging of significant TCP transactions, such as state changes, retransmissions, and duplicate packets. The undebug ip-tcp command ends this logging.

debug ip-tcp-packet line

The debug ip-tcp-packet command enables logging of each TCP packet associated with the specified line number.

debug ip-udp

The debug ip-udp command enables logging of UDP packets sent and received. This command is useful for checking whether SNMP packets are being sent or received.

debug telnet

The debug telnet command enables logging of incoming Telnet connections. To debug outgoing connections, append the /debug keyword to the EXEC command connect.

TCP/IP Global Configuration Command Summary

Following is an alphabetically arranged summary of the TCP/IP global configuration commands.

[no] access-list list {permit | deny} address wildcard-mask

Specifies an access condition. The argument list is an integer from 1 through 99 selected to identify one or more permit/deny conditions. Access list 0 is predefined and permits any address, and is the default access list for terminal lines.

The keyword permit specifies that a match causes the address to be accepted. The keyword deny specifies that a match causes the address to be rejected.

The software compares the address being tested to that entered for the address argument, ignoring any bits specified in wildcard-mask. The arguments address and wildcard-mask are 32-bit quantities written in dotted-decimal format. Address bits corresponding to wild-card mask bits set to 1 are ignored in comparisons; address bits corresponding to wildcard mask bits set to 0 (zero) are used in comparisons. An access list can contain an indefinite number of actual and wild-card addresses. A wild-card address has a non-zero address mask and thus potentially matches more than one actual address. The terminal server examines first the actual addresses, then the wild-card addresses. The order of the wild-card addresses is important, because the terminal server stops examining access-list entries after it finds a match.

The no variation of the command removes the specified access list.

[no] arp internet-address hardware-address type-keyword

Installs a permanent entry in the system ARP cache, which the terminal server uses to translate 32-bit Internet Protocol addresses into 48-bit Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 hardware addresses that use the specified type of encapsulation. The argument internet-address is the Internet address in dotted-decimal format corresponding to the hardware address specified by argument hardware-address, specified as a "dotted triple" of hexadecimal digits. The argument type-keyword is the encapsulation keyword, and can be one of the following:

n arpa—specifies standard Ethernet style ARP (RFC 826) encapsulation. This is the default encapsulation method for Ethernet interfaces.

n snap—specifies ARP packets conforming to RFC 1042.

n probe—specifies the HP-proprietary Probe protocol for IEEE-802.3 networks and resolves IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet local data link virtual addresses using the Virtual Address Request and Reply message.

The no keyword with the Internet address removes the specified entry from the ARP cache.

[no] ip alias internet-address TCP-port

Assigns an Internet address to the service provided on a TCP port. The argument internet-address is the Internet address for the service, and the argument TCP-port is the number of the TCP port.

The no keyword with the Internet address removes the specified address for the terminal server.

[no] ip default-gateway address

Sets up a default gateway for the terminal server and specifies the router the terminal server uses to send packets to hosts not on the local network or subnet. The argument address is the Internet address of the router.

Use the no keyword to disable this function; an address is not specified.

[no] ip host name [TCP-port] internet-address1 [internet-address2 . . . internet-address8]

Enters a static host-name-to-address mapping in the host cache. The argument name is the host name, and the optional argument TCP-port is the TCP port number (in decimal). If the argument TCP-port is omitted, the Telnet port is assumed. You can specify up to eight Internet address arguments (the first address argument is required), separated by spaces. Remove an address map from the list using the no variation of the command with the host name. Remove a host cache entry using the clear host EXEC command.

[no] ip domain-list name

Defines a list of default domain names to complete unqualified host names. The argument name is the domain name; do not enter an initial period. Remove a name from the list using the no variation of the command with the domain name.

[no] ip domain-lookup

Enables or disables IP Domain Name System-based host-name-to-address translation. Enabled by default.

[no] ip domain-name name

Defines a default domain name the terminal server uses to complete unqualified host names (names without a dotted domain name appended to them). The argument name is the domain name; do not include the initial period that separates an unqualified name from the domain name. Use the no keyword to disable use of the Domain Name System; a name argument is not required.

[no] ip ipname-lookup

Specifies the IP IEN-116 Name Server host-name-to-address translation. Disabled by default.

[no] ip name-server server-address1 [server-address2 . . . server-address6]

Specifies one or more hosts that supply name information. The arguments server-address are the Internet addresses of up to six name servers. By default, the terminal server uses the all-ones broadcast address (

ip tcp chunk-size number

Provides faster response to user interrupt characters. The argument number is the number of characters output before the interrupt executes. The suggested value of number is 80, which will typically abort output within a line or two of where the user types the interrupt character. Values of less than 50 are not recommended for reasons of efficiency.

TCP/IP Interface Subcommand Summary

Following is an alphabetically arranged summary of the TCP/IP interface subcommands.

ip address address subnet-mask

Set the interface address and the subnet mask. The argument address is a Class A, Class B, or Class C Internet address for the interface. The argument subnet-mask is a mask of address bits that specifies the network portion of the address.

ip broadcast-address address

Changes the Internet broadcast address when the terminal server has the nonvolatile memory option installed. The argument address specifies an Internet address for the terminal server to use in all broadcasts. The default broadcast address is

Note:     The terminal server recognizes most forms of the broadcast address, but generates only one type of address when broadcasting on its own behalf.

[no] ip gdp gdp

Configures the Router Discovery feature using the Cisco GDP routing protocol. Use the no keyword to turn off the feature.

[no] ip gdp igrp

Configures the Router Discovery feature using the Cisco IGRP routing protocol. Use the no keyword to turn off the feature.

[no] ip gdp rip

Configures the Router Discovery feature using the UNIX RIP routing protocol. Use the no keyword to turn off the feature.

TCP/IP Line Subcommand Summary

Following is an alphabetically arranged summary of the TCP/IP line subcommands.

access-class list {in | out}

Restricts incoming and outgoing connections between a particular terminal line or group of lines and the addresses in an access list. The argument list is an integer from 1 through 99 that specifies the defined access list. The keyword in controls which hosts may make Telnet or TCP connections into the terminal server. The keyword out defines the access checks made on outgoing connections.

telnet break-on-ip

Causes the system to generate a hardware Break signal on the RS-232 line that is associated with a Telnet connection, when a Telnet Interrupt-Process (IP) command is received on that connection. A hardware Break command is generated when a Telnet Break command is received.

telnet refuse-negotiations

Suppresses negotiation of the Telnet Remote Echo and Suppress Go Ahead options. This subcommand causes Telnet to refuse to negotiate the options on incoming connections.

telnet speed default-speed maximum-speed

Specifies preferred line speeds. The argument default-speed is the speed the terminal server will use in the absence of speed negotiation by the device on the other end of the connection. The argument maximum-speed is the maximum speed the terminal server will use. This subcommand is useful on a line configured in reverse connection mode when it is connected to a host that understands the Remote Flow Control option, defined in RFC 1080.

telnet sync-on-break

Causes the terminal server to send a Telnet Synchronize signal when it receives a Telnet Break signal. The TCP Synchronize signal clears the data path, but will still interpret incoming commands.

telnet transparent

Causes the terminal server to send a Return (CR) as a CR followed by a NUL instead of a CR followed by a Line Feed (LF). This subcommand is useful for coping with different interpretations of end-of-line handling in the Telnet protocol specification.

Posted: Mon Jun 2 23:03:51 PDT 2003
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